Funding Opportunities









Last Updated on August 27, 2023


Grant Category
Type of Grant
Brief Description
Link to Website
Expected Grant Call
Research University (PUP) Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE)
Impact-Oriented Interdisciplinary Research Grant Programme (IIRG)
Geran Penyelidikan Fakulti
UM Matching Grant
UM Grand Challenge
Universiti Malaya Research Excellence Grant (UMREG) 2024


Grant Category
Type of Grant
Brief Description
Link to Website
Expected Grant Call
Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE)
Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)
Penyelidikan ini bertujuan untuk melonjakkan penjanaan teori, konsep dan idea baharu beracuan Malaysia yang menjadi pemangkin kepada penemuan baharu yang menerobos sempadan ilmu dan penciptaan inovatif.
RM 250,000.00
December 2023 – January 2024
Prototype Research Grant Scheme (PRGS)
Penyelidikan ini bertujuan untuk membantu merapatkan jurang antara penemuan penyelidikan dan pengkomersialan bagi tujuan penciptaan teknologi/penemuan baharu beracuan Malaysia selaras dengan keperluan K-Ekonomi dan pelaksanaan Model Ekonomi Baru.
RM 500,000.00
December 2023 – January 2024
Transdisciplinary Research Grant Scheme (TRGS)
Penyelidikan ini bertujuan untuk melonjakkan penjanaan teori, konsep dan idea baru yang dapat menjadi pemangkin kepada penemuan baru yang menerobos sempadan ilmu dan penciptaan inovatif.
RM 1,000,000.00
Long-Term Research Grant Scheme (LRGS)
LRGS adalah penyelidikan fundamental yang melibatkan skop lebih ekstensif; dan tempoh masa yang panjang serta memerlukan komitmen yang tinggi. LRGS boleh menghasilkan teori dan idea baru yang terkehadapan dalam nic-nic yang strategik untuk perluasan sempadan ilmu.
RM 3,000,000.00
Konsortium Kecemerlangan Penyelidikan (KKP)
Tujuan utama KKP adalah untuk memantapkan lagi kerjasama di antara kumpulan penyelidik dalam aktiviti penyelidikan dalam bidang nic melalui penjanaan teori, idea baharu dan penciptaan yang inovatif serta terkehadapan dalam bidang-bidang strategik demi perkembangan sempadan ilmu. KKP juga adalah salah satu platform untuk menggalakkan Pusat Kecemerlangan (CoE) di Institut Pengajian Tinggi (IPT) ke arah penarafan sebagai Pusat Kecemerlangan Pendidikan Tinggi (HICoE) dan seterusnya menjadi pakar rujuk (referral point) dalam bidang nic berfokus.
RM 500,000.00
Malaysia Laboratories for Academia-Business Collaboration (MyLAB)
Membangun dan memantapkan produk hasil daripada penyelidikan yang berpotensi tinggi untuk dikomersialkan dalam bidang tujahan yang strategik.
RM 3,000,000.00
Q1 2024
Public Private Research Network (PPRN)
RM 350,000.00
December 2023 – January 2024
Grant Category
Type of Grant
Brief Description
Link to Website
Expected Grant Call
Ministry of Science, Technology & Innovaton (MOSTI)
TeD 1 – Dana Pembangunan Teknologi 1
Dana Pembangunan Teknologi 1 (TeD 1) terbuka kepada penyelidik dan syarikat yang berminat untuk melaksanakan projek penyelidikan dan pembangunan (R&D) bagi menghasilkan proses dan produk baharu dalam bidang yang telah dikenal pasti oleh Kerajaan. Projek R&D tersebut hendaklah berpotensi dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan di peringkat nasional secara lestari dan holistik. Projek yang dicadangkan hendaklah sekurang-kurangnya pada tahap formulasi konsep; iaitu pelan atau reka bentuk penghasilan teknologi, proses atau produk baru yang berpotensi untuk dikomersialkan. Hasil projek adalah teknologi prototaip baharu, proses atau produk yang nilainya dapat dihasilkan untuk pelanggan, industri dan masyarakat
RM 1,000,000.00
open throughout the year
TeD 2 – Dana Pembangunan Teknologi 2
Dana Pembangunan Teknologi 2 (TeD 2) terbuka kepada penyelidik dan syarikat yang berminat untuk melaksanakan projek penyelidikan dan pembangunan (R&D) bagi menghasilkan proses dan produk baharu dalam bidang yang telah dikenal pasti oleh Kerajaan. Projek R&D tersebut hendaklah berpotensi dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan di peringkat nasional secara lestari dan holistik. Projek yang dicadangkan perlu sekurang-kurangnya mempunyai pembuktian konsep (proof of concept, POC) atau prototaip yang telah berfungsi (working prototype). Projek juga mesti mempunyai reka bentuk yang baik, dibuktikan secara saintifik serta berdaya saing dengan teknologi dan penyelidikan masa kini. Pembiayaan dana bagi teknologi, proses, produk yang berinovatif di peringkat pra-pengkomersialan tersebut, diharap dapat diterjemahkan kepada output yang dapat dipasarkan seterusnya memacu ekonomi dan memberi faedah kepada masyarakat.
RM 3,000,000.00
open throughout the year
Penyelidikan dan Pembangunan (R&D) dan inovasi memainkan peranan penting dalam memajukan Sains & Teknologi dalam ekonomi berasaskan pengetahuan dan inovasi. Pembangunan teknologi, penciptaan produk dan perkhidmatan baharu adalah penting bagi menjana kekayaan dan kesejahteraan masyarakat serta meningkatkan kelebihan daya saing R&D negara. Menyedari kepentingan R&D dan inovasi, Kerajaan telah memperkenalkan pembiayaan Dana Bridging (BGF) dalam Rancangan Malaysia ke-12 (RMKe-12) yang berperanan mengatasi jurang pembiayaan yang wujud di antara tahap penyelidikan asas dan pengkomersialan. Dana ini akan membolehkan hasil penyelidikan atau produk R&D yang telah siap untuk pasaran dapat melepasi pengesahan piawaian dan standard yang ditetapkan oleh badan regulatori tempatan atau antarabangsa. Selain itu, dana ini juga dapat membantu proses up-scaling dan advanced packaging produk yang akan memberi nilai tambah kepada hasil R&D tempatan bagi menembusi pasaran serantau dan antarabangsa.
RM 4,000,000.00
open throughout the year
SRF – Dana Penyelidikan Strategik
Dana Penyelidikan Strategik MOSTI (SRF) adalah skim pembiayaan berbentuk geran bagi membiayai penyelidikan strategik dan inisiatif top- down berimpak tinggi kepada negara berdasarkan bidang keutamaan semasa yang telah dikenal pasti. Pelaksanaan Dana Penyelidikan Strategik MOSTI oleh Agensi Pelaksana dan Pemantau (SRF-APP) melalui pendekatan program bertujuan untuk meningkatkan impak skim SRF melalui penyelarasan dan pengurusan projek-projek yang lebih berkesan. Agensi Pelaksana dan Pemantau (APP) adalah agensi yang dilantik oleh MOSTI bagi menyelaras pelaksanaan SRF melalui program berimpak tinggi berdasarkan bidang keutamaan dan pengkhususan yang telah dikenal pasti. Senarai APP yang telah dilantik adalah seperti di berikut:

i. Agensi Angkasa Malaysia (MySA)
ii. Agensi Nuklear Malaysia (ANM)
iii. National Institute of Biotechnology Malaysia (NIBM)
iv. Nano Malaysia Berhad (NMB)
v. MIMOS Berhad
vi. Cradle Sdn. Bhd.
vii. Akademi Sains Malaysia (ASM)
viii. Yayasan Inovasi Malaysia (YIM)
ix. Technology Park Malaysia
Grant Category
Type of Grant
Brief Description
Link to Website
Expected Grant Call
Akademi Sains Malaysia (ASM)
Dr Ranjeet Bhagwan Singh (RBS) Research Grant
The late Dr Ranjeet Bhagwan Singh was a prominent medical research scientist and had made many invaluable contributions to the field of medical and scientific research specifically in the development of diagnostic laboratories in Malaysia. His Medical Research Endowment Fund was primarily established to promote education of the poor and needy irrespective of race, colour and religion. The Ranjeet Bhagwan Singh Research Grant is an annual programme under the RBS Medical Research Trust Fund to be awarded to one (1) young Malaysian scientist to undertake medical/biomedical research.
RM 50,000.00
Q1 2024
Grant Category
Type of Grant
Brief Description
Link to Website
Expected Grant Call
Kementerian Sumber Asli, Alam Sekitar dan Perubahan Iklim
National Conservation Trust Fund for Natural Resources (NCTF)
The National Conservation Trust Fund for Natural Resources (NCTF) was established to carry out activities related to conservation efforts such as communication, education and public awareness, research and development, management, protection and climate change mitigation and adaptation.

• To carry out long term conservation plan to support natural resource management;
• Support Sustainable Forest Management (SFM);
• Conduct research and development activities in the fields of natural resources management and conservation;
• Support capacity building for the implementation of obligations and committments under Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEA) of which Malaysia is a party of; and
• Provide a transparent mechanism for receiving and chanelling funds to support natural resource management and biodiversity conservation.
RM 1,000,000.00
open throughout the year
Grant Category
Type of Grant
Brief Description
Link to Website
Expected Grant Call
Tin Industry (Research and Development) Board
Geran Penyelidikan Lembaga Timah
Lembaga (Penyelidikan dan Kemajuan) Perusahaan Timah ataupun lebih dikenali sebagai Lembaga Timah merupakan sebuah badan berkanun di bawah Kementerian Sumber Asli, Alam Sekitar dan Perubahan Iklim (NRECC). Ianya ditubuhkan pada tahun 1953 dan beroperasi sejak 1954. Salah satu objektif utamanya ialah untuk merangsang, menggalak dan memperluaskan penggunaan serta kegunaan timah bagi manfaat kepentingan industri timah di Malaysia.

Sebagai satu usaha untuk mencapai objektif tersebut, sejak tahun 2018, Lembaga Timah telah menyalurkan bantuan kewangan berupa geran penyelidikan kepada para penyelidik terpilih di universiti-universiti dan institusi penyelidikan tempatan yang berkecimpung dalam penyelidikan berasaskan timah. Penyelidikan-penyelidikan tersebut hendaklah sekurang-kurangnya berupaya memberikan manfaat dan kesan positif kepada industri timah tempatan serta membangun dan meningkatkan pengeluaran dan penggunaan timah di Malaysia secara mampan dan lestari.
RM 10,000.00
Q1 2024
Grant Category
Type of Grant
Brief Description
Link to Website
Expected Grant Call
Yayasan Penyelidikan Otak, Minda dan Neurosains Malaysia (YPOMNM)
Geran Insentif Penyelidikan Yayasan Penyelidikan Otak, Minda dan Neurosains Malaysia (YPOMNM)
The research grant is open to all studies related to Neuroscience, which includes:
• Neurosurgery
• Neurology
• Neurobiology
• Neuropsychiatry and clinical (neuro)psychology
• Neurorehabilitation
• Technological developments related to neuroscience
RM 10,000.00
Q1 2024
Grant Category
Type of Grant
Brief Description
Link to Website
Expected Grant Call
Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia (MCMC)
Digital Society Research Grant
The DSRG builds the research evidence base necessary to promote and improve our understanding of the human and social factors which affect and contributes to the adoption and usage of digital technologies and services. In so doing, DSRG-funded research works provide inputs in ensuring that the advancements in communications infrastructure and services contribute to the inclusion and participation of all segments of the population in the realisation of a Digitally Connected and Informed Society (Digital Society).
RM 10,000.00
2nd Cycle: July – August 2023
Grant Category
Type of Grant
Brief Description
Link to Website
Expected Grant Call
Institut Penilaian Negara (INSPEN)
Dana Penyelidikan Harta Tanah Negara (NAPREC)
The funding will focus on research and development (R&D) activities in areas of national importance in real estate. In disbursing the fund R&D projects, NAPREC will strive towards the attainment of the following goals:

• To promote research projects of high national priority in real estate;
• To promote research that addresses the needs of Malaysia real estate industry;
• To encourage joint efforts among real estate research institutions;
• To foster R&D links between the public and private sectors; and
• To enhance the nation’s global competitiveness through internationalisation of real estate research.

Given that the scope on real researches is predominantly socio-economic, activities directed towards deeper insight and knowledge advancement are relevant even if the proposed research projects are not currently seen as commercially significant. Such activities contribute towards greater understanding of socio-economic phenomena and will ultimately contribute to informed decisions for improved management of the nation’s resources.
RM 50,000.00 – 100,000.00
Q4 2023


Grant Category
Type of Grant
Brief Description
Link to Website
Expected Grant Call
Malaysia Toray Science Foundation (MTSF)
Science & Technology Research Grant
Majlis Cancer National (MAKNA)
MAKNA Cancer Research Collaboration Fund
Collaborative Research in Engineering, Science and Technology Centre (CREST)
Open R&D Grant
Yayasan Bank Rakyat
Thought Leadership Research Grant for Bank Rakyat and Yayasan Bank Rakyat
CIMB Foundation
CIMB Foundation- Community Link Program


Grant Category
Type of Grant
Brief Description
Link to Website
Expected Grant Call
Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE)
Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development (SATREPS)
The SATREPS program is promoting international joint research with the goal of resolving global issues as one aspect of “science and technology diplomacy,” which connects science and technology with diplomacy for the mutual advancement of both.

Worldwide attention directed toward the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) illustrates the increasing complexity of global issues such as climate change, food problems, natural disasters, and infectious disease. Developing countries that are more susceptible to their impacts are being placed in a difficult situation. To resolve these issues will require scientific and technological innovation, putting the results of research to use in society, developing human resources, and improving research capacity across national boundaries.

In the SATREPS program, researchers from Japan and developing countries are together tackling issues in the four fields of Environment and Energy, Bioresources, Disaster Prevention and Mitigation, and Infectious Disease Control*, discovering new knowledge and technologies with real-world applications in light of local needs, and thus contributing to the international community that is working toward sustainable development.
Approx. 100 million yen per project per year

Funding split: JST: Approx. 35 million yenFunding split: JICA: Approx. 60 million yen
Late August or Late October
Grant Category
Type of Grant
Brief Description
Link to Website
Expected Grant Call
Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE)
Malaysia-Spain Joint Programme – Malaysia-Spain Innovating Programme (MySIP)
No call for year 2023
Grant Category
Type of Grant
Brief Description
Link to Website
Expected Grant Call
Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE)
Malaysia- France Bilateral Research Collaboration 2021 (MATCH)
Malaysia-France Bilateral Research Collaboration 2021 (MATCH 2021) is a joint funding programme with the objective of structuring and stimulating research cooperation between France and Malaysia.

This programme is based on a call for projects, an independent evaluation process and a selection of projects guided by a common interest and ambition for excellence.

The call for projects is open to all research teams of both Malaysia and France, from research institutes or from public or private companies having started joint research.
Grant Category
Type of Grant
Brief Description
Link to Website
Expected Grant Call
Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE)
Hubert Curien Partnership – Hibiscus (PHC-Hibiscus)
The Partnership Hubert Curien-Hibiscus is a joint funding program with the objective of structuring and stimulating research cooperation between France and Malaysia. The Program is based on a call for projects, an independent evaluation process and a selection of projects guided by a common interest and ambition for excellence. Projects have a duration of two (2) years and are financed according to each party’s funding process on an equal basis by each of the Parties. The call for projects is open to all research teams of both countries, from research institutes or from public or private companies having started joint research. The Program aims to:

a. strengthen scientific and technological exchanges between France and Malaysia on the basis of mutual benefit;

b. support existing cooperation and encourage new collaborations and foster the development of innovative and high-level joint research projects;

c. encourage the participation of French and Malaysian researchers, post-doctoral and PhD students in joint research projects by supporting academic and scientific cooperation between the two countries;

d. foster the promotion and enhancement of joint research activities of the scientific communities of the two countries (scientific copublications, seminars, workshops, joint patent registration);

e. develop synergies between the scientific communities of the two countries in order to create structured and sustainable research networks of high level and recognized at European and international level.
Grant Category
Type of Grant
Brief Description
Link to Website
Expected Grant Call
Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC)
China (EBC-C) – APT
The objective of the EBC-C is to promote the use of ICT applications in APT Members in addressing socio-economic issues such as poverty, digital divide, health, education, clean energy, infrastructure development, sustainable cities and communities, etc.
USD 100,000
Japan (EBC-J) – APT
By Call
Korea (EBC-K) – APT
Subject to grant call
Subject to grant call
Grant Category
Type of Grant
Brief Description
Link to Website
Expected Grant Call
Nippon Sheet Glass Foundation
Overseas Grant – Nippon Sheet Glass Foundation
Subject to grant call
Subject to grant call
Grant Category
Type of Grant
Brief Description
Link to Website
Expected Grant Call
Sumitomo Foundation
The Sumitomo Foundation Fiscal Grant for Japan-related Research Projects
The program aims at enhancing mutual understanding between Asian countries and Japan through promoting research projects in the field of the social sciences or humanities that are related to Japan.
50 million in total, with 70 projects to be selected
September 1 ~ October 31, 2023
Grant Category
Type of Grant
Brief Description
Link to Website
Expected Grant Call
International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB)
Collaborative Research Programme (CRP)
Established in 1988, the programme aims to stimulate collaborative research in Member States and with the ICGEB Component laboratories, to promote training of young scientists and to facilitate the creation of appropriate research facilities. The programme provides support for research projects in basic science, human healthcare, industrial and agricultural biotechnology and bioenergy. A call for applications is launched yearly.
The maximum annual contribution from ICGEB is Euro 25,000.
Grant Category
Type of Grant
Brief Description
Link to Website
Expected Grant Call
Wellcome Trust Foundation
Early Career Awards
This scheme provides funding for early-career researchers from any discipline who are ready to develop their research identity. Through innovative projects, they will deliver shifts in understanding that could improve human life, health and wellbeing. By the end of the award, they will be ready to lead their own independent research programme.
up to £400,000
5 October 2023
Career Development Awards
This scheme provides funding for mid-career researchers from any discipline who have the potential to be international research leaders. They will develop their research capabilities, drive innovative programmes of work and deliver significant shifts in understanding that could improve human life, health and wellbeing.
27 July 2023
Discovery Awards
This scheme provides funding for established researchers and teams from any discipline who want to pursue bold and creative research ideas to deliver significant shifts in understanding that could improve human life, health and wellbeing.
25 July 2023
Grant Category
Type of Grant
Brief Description
Link to Website
Expected Grant Call
Taiho Kogyo Tribology Research Foundation (TTRF)
Taiho Kogyo Tribology Research Foundation (TTRF)
Assist in funding tribology-related research and development activities
US$1,000 to US$30,000 for each applicant
31 March 2023