Animal Care and Use

UNIVERSITY OF MALAYA ANIMAL CARE AND USE POLICY (UM ACUP) provides the framework within which animals may be used at the University of Malaya (UM) for teaching and research in a manner that conforms with all government laws and regulations, provides for approved research and teaching activities, and safeguards the health and welfare of staff and students involved in scholarly activities using animals or animal parts derived from animals. As evidence to the full commitment of UM to the judicious and humane use of animals in research and teaching, the UNIVERSITY OF MALAYA INSTITUTIONAL ANIMAL CARE AND USE COMMITTEE (IACUC) was established.

UM IACUC is a committee appointed to oversee the UM animal programme, facilities and procedures, including the key function of reviewing and approving Animal Research Protocol Applications (ARPA) for use of animals in research. This is in line with the growing concerns for the ethical use of animals in research. In addition, extensive evidence from various studies has demonstrated that stress resulting from improper management, handling and manipulation of animalswill result in skewed and irreproducible data. Not only is this a waste in terms of resources, such as money and time, but also leads to the unnecessary sacrifice of animals. Thus, it is also the objective of IACUC to disseminate knowledge and information on management practices as well as welfare issues encountered in the use of laboratory animals.

Accountability for the proper conduct of research and teaching using animal subjects is the collective responsibility of UM IACUC, UM Laboratory Animal Centre (UM LAC) and the Principle Investigator. UM IACUC, itself, is composed of a minimum of ten members qualified to evaluate the animal programmes and protocol applications under review and who represent several categories of interested people concerned with humane animal care and use including veterinarians, scientists, non-scientists and non-affiliated public members. The Chairperson is an experienced scientist using laboratory animal subjects. The secretary is the Head of UM LAC and the secretariat is the Office of LAC. The membership of IACUC is for a two (2) year non-renewable tenure except for the appointments of the veterinarians and safety officer.

Last Updated on October 23, 2024